The Meany Middle School Annual Fund - Please Consider Giving Today!

Your gift to the Annual Fund strengthens everyone who is already doing excellent work at Meany: from the teachers and students to the administrators and community members. By contributing to the Annual Fund, you have a direct impact on how your child experiences their day, and their learning. Your support of Meany’s readers, leaders, writers, engineers, artists, builders, scientists, athletes, techies – every one of our scholars! – is key to their success.

In this year of unprecedented challenge, your donation also allows us to offer critical supports to our students, families and school staff. Please consider making a donation today. Your donation is tax-deductible. And be sure to check with your employer about matching donations, which can potentially double your own contribution.

If you would prefer to donate by check, please make it out to the Meany PTSA and mail to Meany PTSA, 301 21st Ave. E, Seattle WA 98112.

Meany Annual Fund 2024-25 Letter & Form